To begin with…

To begin with I will, as an Italian interviewer says, “make myself some questions and give myself some answers”.


This one is easy, you just have to check the tagline: because Tumblr text editor sucks. Tumblr is such a great place, is ideal for many things as for instance, follow at the same time twenty tv series that you will never see, but has an only “but”. It’s not fit for writing. Or at least, not for someone like me who every now and then “writes herself on”. I’ve always felt the need to write, starting about thirty years ago with a diary with Micky Mouse on its cover and ending with a properly blog. I had it in a platform that sinked and disappearead in the ocean of internet about four years ago. I’ve always thought about having another blog but, laziness won and I was busy with other things until I’ve discovered recently in me the need to keep on pouring idiocies from my fingers.


I’m Spanish, I work in Rome… why to write in English? I’m a little bit of a snob. Mea culpa. I admit it. But, I have good reasons to write in English. First of all, the blog will be linked with Tumblr and in Tumblr I use English. The second reason is that this blog will be read by about 3 people spread in three different countries and two time zones and, if I use Spanish one of them won’t understand everything, if I use Italian two of them would have some difficulties, but all three of them are proficient in English. Much more than myself; they can watch Sherlock without any subtitle. Something that I’m completely incapable of, without the English subs I had not understood what were the faults of all the possible Janine’s one night stands in John’s wedding. Sherlock speaks too fast. And thinks too fast.

Why this title?

This one is easy also: prefernot2 is already used in wordpress. Then I started thinking on books I read… “Miss Lonelyhearts”, after Nathanael West’s short novel… it was used also. I tried an old Roman name, “Livia Drusilla” or something like that: used. Then I started scrolling in my cell phone what I’ve called The Absolute Playlist. Some line of Coleridge’s Kubla Kahn? Used. Then I arrived to the poems read by Richard Armitage, I’ve tried Wormwood Scrubs and… bingo! So, Wormwood Scrubs let be. Just a couple of hours after clicking the “submit” button to WordPress I thought that maybe was not such a brilliant idea to have a blog with the name of a place which is not widely known for a poem (exception made of the Armitage Army members spread all over the world) but for a prison. But, in the end, this blog will be read mostly by myself and my three suffered readers.